Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

The Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) is designed to give undergraduates an authentic research, creative, or scholarly experience under the guidance of a mentor

Download the Proposal Guidelines for helpful suggestions regarding the student application form.  Note that the project should be appropriate for an interdisciplinary audience and authored by the student. 

The deadlines for the submission will be disclosed soon.

Picture of Summer Research 2019

Summer Research 2019

Funding Details


  • Up to $1,500 total award

    • Student Materials and Supplies: $1000
    • Mentor Allocation: $500
  • Approximately 144 hours spent on the project
  • Required enrollment in UNIV 495 (0 or 1 credit, meets weekly) or UNIV 496 (0 credit, for those with previous research experience)



  • Up to $1,500 total award

    • Student Materials and Supplies: $1000
    • Mentor Allocation: $500
  • Approximately 144 hours spent on the project
  • Required enrollment in UNIV 495 (0 or 1 credit, meets weekly) or UNIV 496 (0 credit, for those with previous research experience)




  • Up to $2,500 total award

    • Student Materials, Supplies and/or Pay: $2000
    • Mentor Allocation: $500
  • Approximately 144 hours spent on the project
  • Attend OSCAR Summer seminars 


  • $7,000 total award

    • Student Summer Pay: $6,000
    • Project Materials, Supplies and/or Pay: $500
    • Mentor Allocation: $500
  • Approximately 360 hours spent on the project
  • Attend OSCAR Summer seminars 


Mason Korea URSP

  • Up to $2,500 total award

    • Student Materials, Supplies and/or Pay: $2000
    • Mentor Allocation: $500
  • Approximately 144 hours spent on the project



Student Requirements for URSP

Student Requirements for URSP

  • Hours- not counted by OSCAR, guideline or expectation

    • 10 hours per week during fall and spring semesters
    • 15 hours a week for summer traditional URSP
    • 35 hours a week for summer intensive URSP
  • Training
    • Enrollment and participation in UNIV 495 or UNIV 496 during the school year
    • Attendance at OSCAR Summer Seminar Series in summer
  • Presentation at OSCAR Celebration at the end of the program
  • Upload project for Mason Impact transcript designation at end of the program
  • Program evaluations as requested, via EvaluateUR (4 assessments during semester, required.)
  • Program orientation during first week of program
  • Regular meetings with Dr. Lee and other URSP students
  • A second presentation within a year of your award
  • All safety and other trainings as required to complete your project
  • All purchases must be made through official university channels, students, generally cannot be reimbursed for expenses



OSCAR offers two URSP information sessions, which will be held via Zoom


A) URSP Information Session One 

Time & Date: 5-6 PM, September 12 

Registration link: https://gmu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWZhGSSEMhMVjZY 


B) URSP Information Session Two 

Time & Date: 5-6 PM, October 2 

Registration link: https://gmu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eeZsm068aphQ9im 




Steps to submit URSP Application

  1. Open application by using this link.
  2. Log in through your George Mason University account

  3. On the URSP home page, click on “Create a Profile to get Started”.

  4. Fill in the required information on the Profile page to create and save your profile. After this step, you will end up on the URSP home page again which should show that you have completed your profile.

  5. Scroll down and read the basic instructions to fill out your application. Click on “+Get started” to move forward. This should take you to a page named “Untitled”. Through this page, you will find two clickable links/ forms “URSP Application” and “Mentor Information”. You need to fill out both of these forms in order to complete the application. 

    1.  You will first click on the “URSP application” and fill in the required details. Once done, mark it as complete.

    2. Then click on the “Mentor Information” and fill in the required details. Once done, mark this complete as well.                                                                                              

  6. .
  7. Once you complete both the forms, the “Submit” button will turn green. You need to click on it to submit your application. Your submission is not fully submitted until you click the green "Submit" button.